
非交易类虚拟社区成员参与动机:实证研究与管理启示 被引量:71

Virtual Communities Member's Participating Motive:An Empirical Study on Non-trade Virtual Community in China
摘要 本项研究对虚拟社区的参与动机与参与行为进行实证分析,得出个体参与非交易类虚拟社区的九种动机,通过聚类分析构成个体和群体层面两大类动机。研究表明参与层次和参与时间主要受到其内隐动机和群体层面动机(尤其是认同感)的影响,参与频率主要受到其外显动机(尤其是信息动机)的影响。虚拟社区成功运营与良好集聚力的关键是虚拟社区对实体社会的"延伸、补充与强化"的程度,作为共同创造价值的互动场所,虚拟社区应该为不同参与动机的个体成员带来不同的体验与满足,这是虚拟社区的立足之本。 The study aims at the empirical analysis of participation motive and participation behavior of virtual community.By so doing,we get nine motives of individual's participation of non-trade virtual community and divide them into two broad categories by cluster analysis: individual motivation and group motivation levels.The study shows that the level and time of participation are mainly effected by the hidden motives and the group motivation(particularly identification) and the participation frequency is mainly effected by disclosed motives(particularly information motive).The degree of "extending,complement and enhancement" of virtual community to entity community is the key to successful operation and good combined power of virtual community.As a common value-creating interactive site,virtual community should offer different experience and satisfaction for individuals with different participation motives,which is the foundation of development of virtual communities.
作者 范晓屏
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
关键词 虚拟社区 参与动机 参与行为 virtual community participating motive participating behavior
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