
不同逻辑背景对跆拳道运动员直觉思维效果的影响 被引量:4

Of the Influence of Different Logic Backgrounds on the Effect of Taekwondo Athletes' Intuition Thinking
摘要 运动直觉思维是复杂运动情境中的主要运动思维形式,是运动思维能力的核心。但它的产生与所面临的问题情境和运动知识经验有关,与长期专业训练的逻辑思维指导有关。研究从跆拳道运动实践出发,以条件化的先验概率为逻辑思维背景材料,以决策为平台,探讨了不同逻辑背景对跆拳道运动员直觉思维准确性及决策速度的影响。结果表明:逻辑背景显著影响跆拳道运动员直觉思维决策效果。逻辑背景复杂性和运动直觉思维决策效果密切关联,简单的逻辑背景条件较复杂的逻辑背景条件下运动直觉思维准确性高,决策速度快。在不同逻辑背景下顶尖组具有直觉思维准确性的专家优势。 Sport intuition thinking is the major way of thinking in complex sport context and core of sport thinking ability. Its emergence attributes to sport context, sports knowledge experience, and logic thinking created because in long term professional training. Based on the practice of taekwondo, this paper taking the conditional priori probability as its logic background and decision-making as its platform, attempts a probe into the influence of different logic backgrounds on the accuracy of intuition thinking and speed of decision-making of taekwondo athletes. The results indicate that significant logic background affects the intuitive decision-making of taekvvondo athletes. The complexity of logic background correlates significantly with the intuition decision-making of taekwondo athletes. Compared to in a complex logic background, in a simple logic background, the accuracy of intuition thinking is higher, and the speed of deeision-making is faster. The first-rank group possesses an expert advantage in accuracy of intuition thinking.
作者 王长生
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期112-115,共4页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 博士论文 第八届全国体育科学大会论文报告会专题报告论文
关键词 跆拳道 逻辑背景 直觉思维准确性 决策速度 taekwondo logic background accuracy of intuition thinking speed of decision-making
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