
Viability for a class of semilinear differential equations of retarded type

Viability for a class of semilinear differential equations of retarded type
摘要 Let X be a Banach space, A : D(A) X → X the generator of a compact C0- semigroup S(t) : X → X, t ≥ 0, D a locally closed subset in X, and f : (a, b) × X →X a function of Caratheodory type. The main result of this paper is that a necessary and sufficient condition in order to make D a viable domain of the semilinear differential equation of retarded type u'(t) = Au(t) + f(t, u(t - q)), t ∈ [to, to + T], with initial condition uto = φ ∈C([-q, 0]; X), is the tangency condition lim infh10 h^-1d(S(h)v(O)+hf(t, v(-q)); D) = 0 for almost every t ∈ (a, b) and every v ∈ C([-q, 0]; X) with v(0), v(-q)∈ D. Let X be a Banach space, A : D(A) X → X the generator of a compact C0- semigroup S(t) : X → X, t ≥ 0, D a locally closed subset in X, and f : (a, b) × X →X a function of Caratheodory type. The main result of this paper is that a necessary and sufficient condition in order to make D a viable domain of the semilinear differential equation of retarded type u'(t) = Au(t) + f(t, u(t - q)), t ∈ [to, to + T], with initial condition uto = φ ∈C([-q, 0]; X), is the tangency condition lim infh10 h^-1d(S(h)v(O)+hf(t, v(-q)); D) = 0 for almost every t ∈ (a, b) and every v ∈ C([-q, 0]; X) with v(0), v(-q)∈ D.
出处 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期36-44,共9页 高校应用数学学报(英文版)(B辑)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10571150) the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Education Committee (07KJB110131)
关键词 VIABILITY differential equation retarded type tangency condition viability, differential equation, retarded type, tangency condition
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