
从解构主义翻译观视角简析《红楼梦》的不同翻译 被引量:2

Brief Analysis of Different Translation of Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of Deconstructive Translation
摘要 《红楼梦》是中国古典文学的瑰宝,也是中国文学创作的奇葩,对它的研究和批评形成了至今仍蓬勃发展的"红学"。《红楼梦》在世界文坛也享有极高的声誉,它的全译本在许多国家陆续出现,甚至在某些国家拥有十几种版本。因而对《红楼梦》的不同翻译也成了众多学者热衷的课题。在借鉴和吸收前人优秀研究成果的基础上,以辩证翻译系统观为哲学指导,以解构主义为主要理论基础,采用理论与实证、定量与定性、分析和综合相结合的方法,综合分析它的两个著名全译本:A Dream of Red Mansions和The Story of the Stone,力求系统掌握解构主义在《红楼梦》翻译乃至整个中国文学翻译过程中的价值所在,进而推动"红学"的不断发展和扩大"红学"的研究领域。 Hong Lou Meng is one brilliant pearl of all Chinese literary classics and a cliff bloom of literary creation as well. Criticism and research concerning it have crystallized into a specialized branch of study,which is referred to as "Redology". It is still very flourishing ever since those conscientious learners and scholars contributed their energy to the researches concerning it. Hong Lou Meng also enjoys an unchallengeable position in the world literature. Therefore, different completely translated versions of Hong Lou Meng in different languages in many countries, even in some country up to dozens of translated versions in the same language. Subsequently, the study of different translations of Hong Lou Meng has become a very heated subject for many learned scholars. This paper attempts to make a comprehensive analysis of two translations of Hong Lou Meng:A Dream of Red Mansions and The Story of the Stone, and obtain a systemic understanding of the aspect of deconstruction in the process of Hong Lou Meng translation in particular and the whole Chinese literary translation in general ,furthermore, to successively push "Redology" forward and extend the horizons of the original" Redology" fields, on the basis of digesting predecessors' research findings, under the guidance of a dialectical systemic philosophy of translation, using the deconstructive theory as a major theoretical basis, employing an approach integrating theoretical and empirical, quantitative and qualitative, synthesis and analysis methods.
作者 张林
出处 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期145-147,151,共4页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
关键词 《红楼梦》翻译 辩证翻译系统观 解构主义 德里达 translations of Hong Lou Meng dialectical systemic philosophy of translation deconstrnction Den-ida
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