2[1]Abraham Lincoln Great Speeches (with historical notes by John Grafton). New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 103~104.另可参考[9]中第17页
3[2]Pual Davidoff. Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning. 1965. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 423~424.也有学者将Advocacy Planning译为“倡导性规划”,参考[10]和[12]
4[3]Nigel Taylor. Urban Planning Theory Since 1945. SAGE Publication.1998
5[5]Sherry Arnstein. A Ladder of Citizen Participation. 1969. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 240~241
6[6]David Harvey. Social Justice, Postmodernism, and the City. 1992. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 199~200
7[7]Peter Hall. The City of Theory. 1996. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 362
8[8]Melville C.Branch. Comprehensive City Planning. Planners Press, 1985, 89