描述基于嵌入式系统的通用软件开发模式与开发过程,包括嵌入式系统开发平台的介绍、开发平台的选择、开发平台的搭建以及交叉编译工具的选择,重点介绍交叉编译的实现过程。设计硬件平台为基于Intel公司的PXA255系列嵌入式开发板,软件平台为嵌入式ARM-Linux操作系统。采用C语言编程,ARM-Linux-GNU工具链进行交叉编译,SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)图形库进行绘图,以五子棋游戏为例,设计并实现一个基于图形界面的嵌入式游戏。结果表明,该游戏人机交互界面友好,运行流畅。
Focusing on the development mode and process of general software based on embedded systems,including introduction of the development platform, choice of the development platform, building the development environment and building an ARM- GNU cross compiler. Hardware platform of design is an exploitation board based on Intel PXA255, software plat- form is embedded ARM- Linux OS. Developing with C language, compiling with ARM- Linux- GNU cross compiler, using SDL(Simple DireetMedia Layer) graphics library,Gobang as a design sample is realized and can be operated frequently with friendly graphic interface.
Modern Electronics Technique