
改进的分水岭算法在设备内壁图像分割中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Improved Watershed Algorithm in Image of Device Wall Segmentation
摘要 针对分水岭过分割的现象,考虑到在根据灰度均值相似性进行邻域合并时,随着合并区域面积的增大,每个区域的灰度齐次性变弱的特点,提出了一种新的区域相似性评价函数。在这个评价函数中还计算了每个区域灰度值方差,根据区域灰度值方差的大小选择不同的相似性评价函数。实验证明,该方法可以避免目标区域误合并到背景区域的现象,从而得到理想的分割效果,并为设备内壁有损部位几何参数的标定奠定了基础。 This paper presents a new method for region merging to solve the over- segmentation after watershed segmentation. Then with the initial watershed segemention,region merging according to the region average gray value similarity is proposed and in this course the region average gray value is a rough characteristic about the region while the region area becomes bigger, so a new similarity function is introduced. The results show that the new similarity function avoids the case that the object is merged with the background falsely and gives the base to get parameters of the disrepaired device.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2009年第6期127-129,133,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 分水岭 图像分割 区域合并 相似性评价函数 watershed image segemention region merging similarity function
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