在需要单片机参与大量实时数据处理的嵌入式系统中,为了节约单片机的资源和提高产品的灵活性,利用Isp-MACH 4000系列中LC4128V强大的在系统编程功能,在IspLEVER系列工具软件的强力支持下,提出基于Lattice公司的复杂可编程逻辑器件(Complex Programmable Logic Device,CPLD)LC4128V的键盘接口芯片设计。相对于专用的键盘接口芯片,该设计能够使嵌入式产品更具有灵活性。该键盘接口芯片的设计已应用于某实际的嵌入式产品中,并且收到了非常好的效果。
In the embedded system with single chip dealing with a mass of realtime data,in order to save resources of the single chip and enhance flexibility of the product. Using powerful systemic program capability of LC4128V in ispMACH4000 Family and IspLEVER tool softwarers support,the keyboard interface design is proposed based on LC4128V Complex Pro2 grammable Logic Device (CPLD) of I.attice Semiconductor Corporation. The design can make embedded products have more flexibility relative to special keyboard interface chip. It has been applied in some embedded products and obtained very good effect.
Modern Electronics Technique