
基于粒子群优化的高速公路网集成优化控制模型(英文) 被引量:1

Integrated optimal control model of freeway network based on particle swarm optimization
摘要 应用非线性最优控制方法,研究了高速公路网的匝道控制和路径诱导的集成问题,构造了集成控制的最优控制模型。在模型中,以路网总耗时最小为优化目标,以METANET模型为网络交通流模型,考虑了控制变量的更新周期约束,采用粒子群优化技术求解优化模型。仿真结果表明:无控制时,路网总耗时为3376veh·h;仅实施匝道控制时,路网总耗时为3005veh·h;仅实施路径诱导时,路网总耗时为2768veh·h;集成控制时,路网总耗时为2464veh·h。可见,集成控制效果最优。 With nonlinear optimal control method, the integrated control problem of ramp and route guidance for freeway network was studied, and an integrated optimal control model was put forward. In the model, the control objective is to minimize the total time spent(TTS) of freeway network, METANET model was taken as the process model of traffic flow, the minimum updating cycles of control variables were considered, and the numerical solution of the model was achieved by using particle swarm optimization(PSO) method. Simulation result shows that TTS is 3 376 veh·h under uncontrol, TTS is 3 005 veh·h under only ramp control, TTS is 2 768 veh·h under only route guidance, and TTS is 2 464 veh·h under integrated control. Obviously, the control effect of integrated control is optimal. 3 figs, 14 refs.
出处 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期1-5,共5页 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
基金 Major Scientific and Technological Research Project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission(07DZ12061) Shanghai Key Subjects Project(S30504) Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Project(07ZZ91)
关键词 交通控制 集成控制 高速公路网 粒子群优化 路径诱导 匝道控制 traffic coutrol integrated control freeway network particle swarm optimization route guidance ramp control
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