
从一则新闻评论的播报看英语语调的语篇功能 被引量:4

The Textual Function of English Intonation in News Reading
摘要 系统音系学认为,英语语调能体现口语语篇的信息结构,语篇功能是其主要功能之一。本文对新闻播音员播报一则英语新闻评论时所使用的语调进行分析,旨在揭示语调的语篇功能。研究结果发现,播音员对语调的使用不是随意的,而是利用首个重读音节的音高变化及之前的停顿时间,将语篇划分为有利于听众接受的信息块。 According to Systemic Phonology, one of the functions of English intonation is textual since it expresses the information structure. This paper aims to explore the textual function of English intonation by analyzing how a newsreader organizes the messages contained in a news commentary. It is found that the newsreader manipulates various onset pitches deliberately: to segment the messages into perceivable chunks of information in order to make it easier for the audience to take in.
作者 朱珊
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期38-41,共4页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 系统音系学 语调 语篇功能 Systemic Phonology intonation textual function
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