
一种支持智能匹配检索的数据集成系统设计 被引量:3

Design of Data Integration System Supporting Intelligent Match-Retrieval
摘要 提出一种解决分布异构数据集成问题的方法.首先向所有能提供数据资源的网络节点以数据服务单元为基本单位主动发布数据服务,然后用智能匹配方式检索分布数据服务来实现动态的数据集成查询.通过融合应用语义Web、Web本体语言和描述逻辑等具有智能特点的技术,该方法能充分利用数据的形式语义和基于本体概念的知识推理工作.基于该方法,设计一个数据集成原型系统,并对系统的核心组件进行实验测试.结果表明,本方法系统能有效、可靠工作,能兼顾解决数据集成系统的适应性和性能问题. A method for integrating distributed heterogeneous data is proposed. The data query processing is implemented by issuing and registering data services actively in an unit for all network nodes, called data service cell (DS-CeI1). Then the data services are retrieved by an intelligent matcber. By effectively interfusing the techniques of semantic web, web ontology language (OWL), and description logic, the proposed method can work with data formal semantics and ontology based reasoning. A prototype of data integration system is designed based on the proposed method, and the experimental tests on the core component of the system are conducted. The experimental results show that the proposed system works effectively and reliably with favorable flexibility, scalability and performance.
出处 《模式识别与人工智能》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期40-46,共7页 Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.69572012 60401015)
关键词 数据集成 数据服务匹配 语义WEB Web本体语言(OWL) 描述逻辑推理 Data Integration, Data Service Matching, (OWL), Description Logic Reasoning Semantic Web, Web Ontology Language
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