
离子交换HPLC法和亲和层析HPLC法检测糖化血红蛋白结果的比较和分析 被引量:11

The Comparison and analysis of HbA_(1C) detection by ionexchange HPLC system and boronate affinate HPLC system
摘要 目的比较两种不同原理高效液相(HPLC)法测定HbA1C结果的一致性。方法采用Primus的PDQ亲和层析高效液相仪和Bio-Rad的VARIANT离子交换高效液相仪对87例2型糖尿病患者、10例透析的尿毒症患者和5例新生儿脐带血测定的糖化血红蛋白进行比较和分析。结果两种方法的线性试验中离子交换HPLC法的平均回复率为98.9%,亲和层析HPLC法平均回复率为100.9%;精密度试验离子交换HPLC法的批内CV<1%,批间CV<2%,亲和层析HPLC法批内和批间CV均<2%;87例糖尿病患者检测结果比较没有显著性差异,r=0.901,P<0.001;尿毒症患者HbA1C结果离子交换法均高于亲和层析法;亲和层析HPLC法能准确检测新生儿脐带血的HbA1C,而离子交换法不能测出。结论两种方法检测HbA1C准确度很高,都能真实的反映患者的糖化血红蛋白和血糖水平,但检测尿毒症患者和新生儿脐带血的糖化血红蛋白结果有很大差异。 Objective To Compare the results of HbA1c detected by two different HPLC systems. Methods Blood samples of 87 diabetic patients, 10 uremic patients and 5 umbilical cord blood samples of newborns were examined by PDQ boronate affinate HPLC system and Bio-Rad ion-exchange HPLC system .Results The mean recovery rate of ion-exchange HPLC system and boronate affinate HPLC system was 98.9% and 100.9% ,respectively.The within-ran CV was below 1% and Run to run C3/was below 2% in ion-exchange HPLC system The within-run and Run to run CV were all below 2% in horonate affmate HPLC system; There was no significance in the HbA1c results of 87 diabetic patients by ion-exchange HPI.E system and boronate affmate HPLC system; The HbA1c results were higer by ion-exchange HPLC system than those by boronate afllnate HPLC system; Boronate affinate HPLC system could, measure HbA1c in umbilical cord blood samples of newborns,but ion-exchange HPLC systam could not. Conclusion These two HPLC systems are accurate methods to detect HbA1c,can reflect the actual glucose metabolism,but there was significant of HbA1c results in uremic patients and umbilical cord blood samples of newborns by ion-exchange HPLC system and boronate affinate HPLC system.
出处 《中国实验诊断学》 北大核心 2009年第3期384-386,共3页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
关键词 糖化血红蛋白 高效液相 变异血红蛋白 HbA1c HPLC system variant hemoglobin
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