
网络系统可靠性分析的频域生成图模型 被引量:2

Frequency-domain spanning graph model for reliability analysis of network system
摘要 提出一种用于分析网络可靠性的频域生成图模型(frequency-domain spanning graph,FSG).该模型可以直观地处理网络端端可靠度、全端可靠度以及频域状态的动态变化过程,且算法易于计算机实现,实现效率高.给出了FSG的定义和描述,对串联、并联和备用等典型结构建立了相应的FSG可靠性模型,并导出其频域的可靠性表示式.最后结合Matlab开发环境给出范例,从定性定量两个方面阐述了FSG分析过程,以此说明其有效性. A frequency-domain spanning graph (FSG) model for reliability analysis of network is presented in this paper. The model can deal with terminal pair reliability and all-terminal reliability, and reflect the dynamic change process of frequency domain state. The arithmetic is effective, easy to be realized on computer. The definition and description of FSG are given, the FSG reliability models are set up for structures of series, parallel, back-up redundancy and so on, and the reliability expression in frequency domain is derived. Finally, in order to explain the validity of this new method, an example is used to illustrate the analysis process of the FSG from two aspects of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the development tool of Matlab.
出处 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期114-118,共5页 Journal of Systems Engineering
基金 国防“十五”预研项目资助项目(41319020103)
关键词 可靠性分析 网络 模型 MATLAB reliability analysis network model Maflab
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