CO2 autoanalyzer and meteorological information were used to determine one of the main greenhouse gas CO2 around the urban area of Huai'an. Data collected in the lab was analyzed to find the changing rules between CO2 concentrations and various meteorological conditions. The diurnal variation of the atmospheric CO2 at the urban area in Huai' an displayed a very clear cycle throughout the year. Generally, with the lowest value being recorded at about 15:00 local time and the highest in the morning everyday. Furthermore, it showed a large seasonal cycle with a maximum in winter, from 420.0 to 455.0 μmol/mol, and a minimum in summer, between 369.0 and 395.0 μmol/mol. The changing trend of atmospheric CO2 concentration in Huai'an is controlled mostly by the anthropogenic activities, photosynthesis variation of green plants and wind direction.
Environmental Science & Technology