
人粪尿污水的厌氧净化试验研究 被引量:4

Experimental Treatment of Toilet Wastes by UASB
摘要 粪尿污水是生活污水中污染物的主要贡献者,它的单独净化处理是污水分散处理的重点和核心之一。但目前高浓度粪尿污水的单独处理技术尚有待研究。文章采用114LUASB反应器、以啤酒厂UASB反应器内的污泥为接种污泥,研究了在30℃条件下连续日处理413L和间歇日处理118L粪尿污水的净化效果,探讨了UASB用于人粪尿污水处理的可行性。UASB反应器水力停留时间控制在6.65h,连续运行结果表明,在SLR从0.36kgCOD(/kgVSS·d)逐步增加到2.29kgCOD(/kgVSS·d)的过程中,COD的去除率稳定在88.82%~96.84%。3d左右的负荷冲击不会导致反应器处理效果明显下降。未经沉淀预处理的高SS对反应器净化没有不良影响。间歇运行结果表明,出水COD浓度较连续进水时低。 Experimental treatment of toilet wastes or black-water (mainly feces and urine), is conducted using a laboratory bench-scale up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Influents of black water with COD ranging from 500mg/L to 2,000mg/L are treated in both continuous and intermittent runs. The continuous test lasted for six months with an up-flow velocity of 17.14m/h and HTR of 6.65h, showing the COD removals ranged 88.82%-96.84% and no detrimental effect arising from high SS in the influent due to skipping pre-sedimentation. UASB performance and production of methane under the intermittent operation condition were studied as well.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期129-132,共4页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目(50621140001)
关键词 污水生物处理 粪尿污水 升流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB) wastewater biological treatment toilet wastes UASB
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