
图像引导HIFU治疗靶区精确定位 被引量:1

Accurate Targeting in Image-Guided HIFU Therapy
摘要 靶区精确定位是B超引导HIFU治疗的一个难题。本文利用患者术前采集的CT/MR图像序列与实时B超共同引导进行HIFU治疗靶区精确定位,在没有集成MR设备的HIFU治疗机器上利用了CT/MR图像靶区定位精确的优点。首先在CT/MR图像上进行靶区分割与三维表面重建,再利用三视图多模态医学图像配准技术,将重建的靶区信息映射到超声图像,实现了超声图像上靶区的精确定位。整个引导过程主要包括图像采集、预处理、分割、靶区重建以及多模态图像配准几个部分。这种融合CT/MR图像信息的定位技术有望更好地解决B超引导HIFU治疗中的靶区定位难题。 Accurate targeting is extremely difficult in B mode ultrasound guided HIFU therapy. This paper uses both preoperative CT/MR images and real time B mode ultrasound to perform the task of targeting. The benefit to realize accurate targeting by CT/MR images without the necessity of installing MR in HIFU. Firstly we segmented and reconstructed the target regions from CT/MR images. Then, by using the module of Tri-Views muhi-modality image registration proposed in this paper, we successfully mapped the target regions are mapped to ultrasound images to achieve the accurate targeting in ultrasound images. The guiding procedure involved image acquisition, preprocessing, segmentation, reconstruction of target regions, and muhi-modality image registration. By combing information from CT/MR images and ultrasound, the proposed approach has the potential of accurate targeting in B mode guided HIFU therapy.
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2009年第1期10-13,21,共5页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
基金 973项目(2003CB716103)、上海市科委重点攻项目(05DZ19509)资助
关键词 精确定位 图像引导治疗 多模态图像配准 三视图 accurate targeting image-guided therapy muhi-modality image registration tri-views
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