
一种基于IPTV技术的网络教室系统设计 被引量:1

Network Classroom System Based on IPTV Technology
摘要 基于IPTV技术的网络教室系统是将IPTV技术应用于网络教室系统中。首先介绍了E-Learning的背景,突出了常规教室的不足及今后发展网络教室的优势;接着介绍了IPTV技术的发展及目前主要的解决方案,阐明了利用IPTV平台设计网络教室系统的优势;最后重点介绍了本网络教室系统的总体构成、硬件组成和软件系统。 The network-based IPTV technology classroom system means that the IPTV technology is used in the network classroom system.The background of IPTV and E-Learning is introduced at first.Compared with conventional classroom system,the network classroom has many advantages.Then,the Sigma Design EM863x IPTV platform was selected after the comparison on the current major IPTV solutions.Finally,the whole system structure,the hardware and software design of the network classroom was introduced in detail.
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 2009年第1期161-164,共4页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
关键词 网络教室 E-LEARNING IPTV EM863X network classroom e-learning IPTV
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