
对年龄序列非正式社会控制理论的一个质疑 被引量:1

A Challenge on Age Sequence of Informal Social Control Theory
摘要 年龄序列非正式社会控制理论是美国新近兴起的一种犯罪学理论。在成年犯罪原因上,认为婚姻和工作强化的社会纽带可以成为成年人违法犯罪的主要抑制因素。然而,通过对中国农民工流动人口犯罪和日常行为中的"家庭因素"进行考察分析,那么该理论"良好婚姻所形成家庭的社会纽带能够抑制成年犯罪"的结论就会受到质疑。 The age sequence of informal social control theory is a new rising integrated theory of crime in the United States.According to the causes of crime in adulthood ,it is believed that social ties strengthened by marriage and work can become the main inhibiting factors against adult offences and criminals. However, through the analysis on Chinese floating population of migrant workers' crimes and their daily acts' "family color" feature. The conclusion that "families" social ties formed by good marriage can hold back adult crimes would be challenged.
作者 王广聪
机构地区 湘潭大学法学院
出处 《江西公安专科学校学报》 2009年第1期104-107,共4页 Journal of Jiangxi Public Security College
关键词 年龄序列非正式社会控制理论 农民工流动人口 犯罪 age sequence ot intormal social control theory the tloating population of migrant workers Crime
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