

Influence of Different Practice Schedule on PE Learning Effects about College Students
摘要 运用Hew itt的网球成就测试修订版,通过问卷调查和实验研究检验了在教学过程中固定性计划和可变性计划对不同技术水平学生学习的影响,研究结果表明:(1)低干扰练习和高干扰练习均可提高低技术水平学生的学习;(2)在技术获得的早期阶段,低干扰练习将会提高低技术水平学生的学习;(3)在技术获得的后期阶段,高干扰练习将会提高高技术水平学生的学习;(4)不同任务的高干扰练习不利于提高学生的技术水平。 This study examined the effects of blocked and alternating schedule manipulations implemented in an instructional setting on the performance and learning of high -and low -skilled students by a modified version of Hewitt' s Tennis Achivement Test, with questionnaire and experiment; It shows that low - and high - interference exercises all can improve low - skilled students; in the early stage of skill improving, low - interference exercises will improve low - skilled students; in the later stage of skill improving, high - interference exercises will improve high - skilled students; it is disadvantageous to improve different skilled students for different high - interference exercises.
作者 苏煜
出处 《山西师大体育学院学报》 2009年第1期77-79,共3页 Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University
关键词 练习计划 技术水平 体育学习效应 干扰练习 practice schedule skilled students PE learning effects interference exercise
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