
针刺对胃扩张模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电的影响 被引量:5

Effect of acupuncture on neuron discharge in nucleus of the solitary tract in gastric distention model rats
摘要 目的:观察针刺内关、足三里等穴对胃扩张模型大鼠孤束核(nucleus of the solitary tract,NTS)神经元放电的影响。方法:运用细胞外记录神经电生理学方法,先找到大鼠NTS胃扩张相关神经元,以内关、足三里、偏历、合阳穴为刺激点作为研究对象,在各刺激点上分别用手针施以捻转手法刺激30s,记录NTS内胃扩张相关神经元的放电反应。结果:55只大鼠共记录到149个NTS神经元放电,149个NTS神经元中与胃扩张相关的有65个,其中,44个对胃扩张刺激呈增频反应,21个呈减频反应。65个NTS胃扩张相关神经元中对来自体表刺激有反应的神经元出现比例,在针刺足三里、内关、偏历、合阳穴后分别为61.54%、53.85%、29.23%、33.85%。对来自体表的刺激,NTS内胃扩张相关神经元主要是以兴奋为主。选取44个对胃扩张刺激呈增频反应的神经元,比较针刺足三里、内关、偏历、合阳穴前后神经元频率变化,其兴奋性神经元频率变化率分别为(34.61±6.88)%、(31.73±8.05)%、(19.84±4.50)%、(18.07±4.29)%,内关、足三里穴组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),而内关、足三里穴组与偏历、合阳穴组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:NTS是针刺和内脏(胃)伤害性刺激传入的共同的信息整合中枢;腧穴具有相对特异性。 Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture at Neiguan, Zusanli etc on neuron discharge in nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) of gastric distention (GD) model. Methods: Extracellular recording method was used in NTS to validate GD related neurons which had excited and inhibited reaction when given GD stimulation, the Neiguan, Zusanli, Pianli and Heyang were selected for acupoints stimulation, for which were given acupuncture for 30 s with twisted manipulation, and GD related neurons recorded simultaneously. Results: In 55 rats, 149 neurons spikes were recorded and in which there were 65 GD related neurons. In the 65 GD related, there were 44 excited GD-related neurons, the others were inhibited GD-related neurons. For the 65 GD-related neurons which were responded to acupuncture at Zusanli, Neiguan, Pianli and Heyang, the occurrence percent of reaction neurons (OPRN) in NTS was 61.54%, 53.85%, 29.23% and 33.85% respectively. For the acupoints stimulation, the excited GD-related neurons prevailed. For the 44 excited GD-related neurons, when given acupuncture at Zusanli, Neignan, Pianli and Heyang respectively, the increased frequency of neurons spike were (34.61+_6.88)%, (31.73±8.05)%, (19.84±4.50)% and (18.07±4.29)% respectively, in which no significant difference was shown between Neiguan and Zusanli (P'M).05), there were very significant difference between Neiguan and Pianli, Neiguan and Heyang, Zusanli and Pianli, as well as Zusanli and Heyang respectively (P〈0.01). Conclusion: NTS may be an integration center for receiving acupuncture and viscera nociceptive stimulation, and acupoints have some specificity.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2009年第8期19-21,共3页 China Medical Herald
基金 湖南省教育厅青年基金课题(04B047)
关键词 内关穴/针刺效应 足三里穴/针刺效应 孤束核 胃扩张 Neiguan/acupuncture effect Zusanli/acupuncture effect Nucleus of the solitary tract Gastric distention
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