
供应链竞争力内涵与模型构建研究 被引量:5

Supply Chain Competitiveness:Definition and Construction Model
摘要 本文认为,供应链竞争力是某一供应链相对于竞争对手表现出来的更能适应市场需求和变化的各种生存与发展能力的总和,这种能力是供应链成员企业内外部资源优化配置与核心能力充分整合的结果,能使供应链最终获得高水平的客户满意度,并为成员企业带来超额利润。供应链竞争力并非存在于单个企业内部,它是供应链系统的整体竞争优势,对于供应链竞争力,需要基于系统论的观点加以认识。本文建立的供应链竞争力模型深入揭示了构成供应链竞争力的关键能力。文章指出,供应链竞争力的形成受供应链核心能力(决定力)、供应链运作机制(助力)、供应链竞争力评价(维持力)等三方面力量的影响,三者依照一定的逻辑关系形成供应链竞争力。其中,供应链核心能力是供应链竞争力的直接来源,是供应链竞争力的决定性因素。而供应链组织能力、运营能力与整合能力是供应链核心能力的三大组成部分,三大能力决定了供应链竞争力的高低,而三大能力的高低取决于与之相关的供应链基本业务管理水平。在供应链竞争实践中,需要企业从每一项供应链基本业务活动中挖掘和培育供应链竞争优势。 In the age of supply chain competition, inquiry into the source of supply chain competitiveness (SCC) is quite important for the supply chain strategy theory and practice. The concept of SCC is developed from traditional Competition Theory. Firstly the authors give a new definition of SCC, secondly the development logic of SCC is analyzed. Then, the authors put forward core competence based on business process. The form of the competitiveness of the supply chain is affected by such three forces as the corn competence of the supply chain (the force of decision making), the operational mechanism of the supply chain (the force of assistance) and the competitiveness evaluation of the supply chain (the force of maintenance). And among these three forces, the core competence is the direct resources of the competitiveness of the supply chain. And accordingly a whole SCC Model is formed.
作者 余晖 张文杰
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期34-37,共4页 China Business and Market
关键词 供应链竞争力 关键业务流程 核心能力 supply chain competitiveness key business process core competence
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