目的:观察生津利咽含片7 d内连续最大剂量灌胃给药后小鼠的急性毒性反应及死亡情况。方法:给SPF级昆明种小鼠灌服生津利咽含片,未测出LD50,故作最大给药量测试。结果:测得最大给药量为120.0 g/kg,相当于60 kg成人日用量的1 446倍。结论:生津利咽含片灌胃给药后,小鼠无急性毒性反应。
To observe the acute toxicity reaction and the death status of mice administered with the most tolerance dose of Shengjin Liyan. Lozenges consistently for 7 days by gavage. Method: Kunming SPF mice were administered with Shengjin Liyan Lozenges. Since no LD50 was found in mice, they were administered with the most tolerance dose. Result: The most tolerance dose was 120.0g/kg, which was equivalent to 1.446 times of 60kg edult's daily dosage. Conclusion: Mice have no acute toxicity reaction after the gastric perfusion of Shengjin Liyan Lozenges.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine