
催化裂化条件对处理生物质热解焦油的影响 被引量:13

Effects of catalytic cracking conditions on biomass tar cracking
摘要 为了研究催化裂化条件对生物质热解焦油处理的影响,以秸秆热解产生的焦油为原料,在固定床反应器实验台上,研究了石灰石、白云石和高铝砖3种催化剂作用下,温度、催化剂尺寸、床高等反应条件对焦油裂化的影响规律。实验结果表明,石灰石对焦油裂化有较好的催化效果,它作用下的产气率高,而且它是天然矿石,加工成本低,煅烧后耐磨性比白云石好,很适合生物质热解工艺中作为焦油裂化的催化剂使用。实验结果还表明提高裂化温度、增加床高、减小床料粒径都能有效地促进焦油深度裂化。该文结果可为焦油催化裂化工程设计提供指导。 Catalytic cracking experiments on biomass tar were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor with limestone, dolomite, and alumina brick. The catalytic reaction mechanism and the tar conversion rate are related to the cracking temperature, catalyst size, and catalyst quantity. The results show that calcined limestone exhibits good catalytic activity for these operating conditions. Limestone has additional advantages of being an inexpersing strong natural crystal. Thus, limestone is suitable for new gasification technologies as a catalyst for tar cracking. The tar conversion rate is increased by increasing cracking temperature, decreasing the size of the catalyst, and increasing the amount of catalyst. These results can be used to optimize tar catalytic cracking columns.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期253-256,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
关键词 生物质热解焦油 催化裂化 催化剂 biomass tar catalytic cracking catalysts
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