

The Korean Anarchical Movement within the Territory of China and Its Valuation
摘要 中国境内韩国无政府主义运动史可分为三个阶段:1919—1923年是无政府主义运动的兴起时期,1924—1936年是无政府主义者建立组织、开展无政府主义运动的时期,1937—1945年中国抗日战争时期是中国境内韩国无政府主义运动参与民族统一战线,积极参加中国抗日战争的阶段。韩国无政府主义者在中国境内的活动,在韩国独立运动史上,占有一定的历史地位,在近代中韩关系史上写下了独特的一笔。 The history of Korean anarchical movement withiu the territory of China is divided into three stages: 1919 - 1923, emerging period of the anarchical movement; 1924 - 1936, developing period of the anarchical movement when Korean anarchists set up organizations and launched anarchical movement; 1937 - 1945, the anti- Japanese war period when Korean anarchists within the territory of China participated in the national united front and actively in China's Anti - Japanese War . Korea anarchists' activities in the China holds certain historical position in the South Korean independence movement history and left a unique print in the modern Sina- Korea relations history.
作者 王培文
机构地区 平顶山学院
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2009年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
关键词 中国境内 韩国无政府主义运动 韩国独立运动 within the territory of China Korean anarchical movement Korean national independence movement
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