
高斯介质粗糙面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法 被引量:6

Electromagnetic scattering from Gaussian dielectric rough surface using small slope approximation method
摘要 基于小斜率近似方法推导了极坐标系下介质粗糙面的双站散射系数和后向散射系数计算公式。为验证小斜率近似方法的准确性,针对二维高斯介质粗糙面,计算了双站散射系数并将得到的数值结果与实验测量数据和基尔霍夫近似方法计算结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:小斜率近似方法的结果和实验数据吻合较好。同时对不同入射角下散射系数的角分布及粗糙度和均方根斜率对散射系数的影响进行了讨论分析。 In this paper, the bistatic scattering coefficient and backscattering coefficient of dielectric rough surface by using small slope approximation method are derived in the polar coordinate. To validate the accuracy of small slope approxima- tion, the bistatic scattering coefficient of Gaussian dielectric rough surface is calculated, and the theoretical results are compared with the experimental data and that of Kirchhoff approximation. It shows that the results of small slope approximation are in good agreement with the experimental measured data. In addition, the angular distribution of scattering coefficient with different incident angle and the influence of roughness and rms slope on the angular distribution of the scattering coefficient are discussed and analyzed.
作者 杨超 郭立新
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期77-82,共6页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60571058) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20070701010)
关键词 小斜率近似 高斯介质粗糙面 电磁散射 散射系数 small slope approximation Gaussian dielectric rough surface electromagnetic scattering scattering coefficient
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