从病害流行预测,防治指标研究,以及农业防治措施、种子处理、植物源药剂防治龙胆斑枯病,探讨了人工种植龙胆斑枯病无公害防治技术。研究发现了黑龙江省龙胆斑枯病病原菌(Septoria microspora Speg.)的两个新变种。建立了龙胆斑枯病病情随时间进展数学模型,同时建立防治指标模型d_(ET)=[-ln((123.24PV-100W)/82.74W)/0.041 71- MR]·Q。农业防治措施表明优质种苗、秋季移栽、较高的栽培密度和轮作可起到一定防病作用;采用中药蛇床子制剂和施加乐、甲基托布津等处理种子可以杀灭种子上病原菌;对9种中药提取物进行药效学试验表明,川楝子、蛇床子、白鲜皮等中药提取物都有较好的防治龙胆斑枯病效果;由此构成龙胆斑枯病无公害防治技术。
The spot blight of radix gentianae is the main disease occurring in the growth of this medicinal plant. This article discusses on the harmless control technology of the spot blight of radix gentianae from forecasting the disease epidemic, researching on the index of prevention and treatment , treating with seeds and preventing and curing gentian spot blight with pharmaceuticals of plant source. Their study shows: that there are two new varieties in the pathogenic bacteria of the spot blight of radix gentianae in Heilongjiang Province( Septoria microspora Speg. ) . Establish a gentian spot blight mathematical model that the pathogenetic condition change with time, at the same time establish a control index model :dET=[-ln(123.24PV-100W/82.74W)/0.041 71MR]·Q.Their study in the prevention and control of the disease by agricultural measures indicates that high - quality sprouts of radix gentianae, transplantation in autumn , rationally high density in its cultivation and rotation are able to play a role in disease prevention. Using Thiophanate- methyl, Pyrimethanil and so on can kill the pathogenic bacteria on the seeds through treating seeds. Doing pharmacodynamies experiments with nine kinds of extracts of Traditional Chinese Medicine show that the extracts, for example Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit , Common Cnidium Fruit and Densefruit Pittany Root - bark , all have better effect on preventing and curing gentian spot blight. From this , we constitute harmless control technology of gentian spot blight.
Modern Chinese Medicine
国家科技部国家中药现代化研究及产业化开发项目(99 929 01 17)
Spot blight of radix gentianae
Radix gentianae
Harmless control