
关于来宾市金融支持节能减排问题的研究 被引量:1

Study on Financial Support for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Laibin
摘要 金融是现代经济的核心,推动和促进节能减排离不开金融的支持。本文概述发达国家绿色信贷的实践经验,以能源资源消耗强度高和能源供需矛盾突出的来宾市为视角,分析研究金融支持节能减排的现状、存在问题和困难,并借鉴发达国家绿色信贷的实践经验,提出完善金融有效支持节能减排的政策建议。 Finance is the core of modem economy and the financial support will help to save energy and reduce pollution . This article gives a general overview of practical experience about green credit in developed countries . Based on the study of the problems in Laibin high consumption of energy resources and the imbalance of supply and demand of energy, it also analyzes the current situations, problems and difficulties arising in energy saving and emission reduction with financial support, and effective measures are raised to promote the efficiency of the financial support according to the green credit experience in developed countries.
出处 《区域金融研究》 2009年第2期17-21,共5页 Journal of Regional Financial Research
关键词 绿色信贷 节能减排 机制创新 Green Credit Policy Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Mechanism Innovation
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