蒸汽-燃气联合循环装置由于其较高的发电效率而被广泛应用于各大、中型电厂。然而,在微小型燃气-蒸汽发电装置中,蒸汽轮机的应用无疑使得装置体积和成本费用大增。因此,本文提出在小型分布式发电装置中,采用环境压力吸热燃气轮机循环(APGC)装置来替代蒸汽轮机装置吸收燃气轮机排出的废气能量,组成燃-燃联合循环,增加系统本身的做功能力和效率,达到节能、减少燃料消耗的目的。本文从热力学第一定律和第二定律出发,基于ASPEN PLUS软件分别建立了燃-燃联合循环、蒸-燃联合循环模型,比较分析了两种循环装置在能量质量和数量上的利用程度。结果表明:燃-燃联合循环装置的效率较高,这在要求能源高效利用的今天具有一定的理论意义。
Gas - steam combined cycle is widely used in large and medium - sized power plant because of its higher electrical efficiency. However, in the micro, small gas turbine power generation plant, using the steam turbine will undoubtedly make the devices cost increase. There- fore, this paper indicates in small distributed generation plant, the ambient pressure gas turbine cycle(APGC)to replace steam turbine generating unit absorbing the low - pressure exhaust energy, increase their acting ability and efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Based on the ASPEN PLUS software and setup an APGC regenerator Brayton cycle of combined cycle model, as well as gas - steam combined cycle combustion mod- el, and the whole cycle exergy efficiency of a calculation and comparison analysis. Nowadays, for the stringent requirements of using energy economically, it is of great theoretical significance.
Gas Turbine Technology