通过甲基丙烯酸羟丙酯(HPMA)单体与N-(4-羧基苯基)马来酰亚胺(CPMI)单体在有机蒙脱土(OMMT)中经原位插层自由基聚合反应制备了聚合物-无机纳米复合材料。OMMT由钠基蒙脱土通过十六烷基溴化铵插层处理制备。通过XRD和TEM对复合材料结构进行了表征,证实HPMA单体和HPMA/CPMI共单体在OMMT中原位插层共聚得到的复合材料均为剥离型纳米复合材料。OMMT含量为3 wt%的PolyHPMA/OMMT纳米复合材料起始分解温度为250℃,比相应的纯聚合物的热分解温度提高30℃。随着OMMT含量的增加,热分解温度进一步提高。但在测试温度范围内,PolyHPMA/OMMT纳米复合材料均没有出现明显的玻璃化转变温度。
The organic-inorganic nanocomposites were prepared by an intercalation of hydropropyl methacrylate(HPMA) and N-(4- carboxyphenyl) maleimide(CPMI) monomer into the host clay(OMMT) followed by radical polymerization. The OMMT was obtained by surface treatment of montmofiUonite with cetyhrimethyl ammonium bromide. The structural analysis of the composites with X-ray and TEM confirms that exfoliated silicate nanolayers of organophilic clay dispersed in a polymer matrix. It was also noticeable that the thermal decomposition temperature of the polyHPMA/OMMT with 3 wt% OMMT is 30℃ higher than that of pure polyHPMA respectively. And with increasing the content of OMMT in the nanocomposites, the thermal decomposition temperature of the nanocomposites shifted toward the higher temperature, which indicating the enhancement of the thermal stability of the nanocomposites. The nanocomposites do not show any clear DSC endotherm.
Chemical Research and Application