In order to evaluate the significane of using the Premature lnfant Behavioral Neurological Assessment to assess the high-risk premature infants , thirty two infants of 24-36 weeksof gestation of age (GA) with birth weight between 590-2500g were evaluated on admissionand when they were most sick with the twenty-six item Physiologic Stability Index (PSI) andthe eighteen-item Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS). At the corrected GA of40 weeks, they were assessed with the twenty-item NBNA. Then at the age of 21/2 to 3years their intelligence development were assessed with the CDCC. It was found that: (1)PSI and TISS scoring were higher (i. e., infants more sick) in the NBNA scoring<36 groupthan in the NBNA scring 37-40 (normal) group, suggesting that NBNA can be used to monitor the severity of the sickness; and (2) all those scored 35 or less by NBNA at cor rected GAof 4o weeks were scored 68 or less by CDCC at the age of 21/2-3 years and migh1f thereforebe mental handicap. lt is highly recommended that high-risk premature infants with 1owNBNA score should be provide with intervention as early as possible
The Journal of Neonatology