
基于半导体器件的弯管非接触测量原理研究 被引量:2

Study of the Bent Tube Non Contact Measuring Principle Based on Laser Diodes and Photodiodes
摘要 在接触式弯管测量机的基础上,采用半导体激光器和光敏二极管设计的测量叉来实现对弯管的非接触测量.给出了测量叉的光学结构,研究了测量原理,推导了数学模型,分析了该方法产生误差的原因,提出了提高测量精度的措施. Referring to the contact type bent tube measuring machine, a probe, which is improved by the use of two laser diodes and two photodiodes, is used to achieve the non contact measurement of the bent tube. During the measurement, the probe is moved so that the 2 probe beams are broken by the surface of the tube. The space position of the probe and the bent tube exterior diameter are utilized to calculate the centroid of the bent tube cross section in the measuring plane. The optical structure of the probe is given. The principles of the non contact measurement of the tube are studied and its mathematical model is developed. The cause of error of this method is stated and a measure by the least squares method of reducing errors is suggested.
出处 《华中理工大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期42-45,共4页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
关键词 半导体激光器 光敏二极管 弯管 非接触测量 laser diode photodiode bent tube non contact measurement centerline fit
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