Practical clinical value of using M. tuberculosis antigen - specific INF - Y release assay (IGRA) in evaluating anti - TB therapeutic result was studied. The change of IGRA responses during anti - TB treatment of 66 patients with culture positive pulmonary tuberculosis was investigated, and compared with PPD tuberculin skin testing(TST). Significantly more patients in the early ( ≤2months of anti -TB treatment)rather than the late phase ( 〉 6months ) had positive IGRA responses [ 55/66 ( 83.3 % ) vsl 2/66 ( 18.2 % ) ; P ≤ 0.01 ], comparing the patients of positive PPD results in the early ( ≤2months of anti -TB treatment) and the late phase ( 〉 6months) [ 50/66 ( 75.8 % ) vs38/66 (57.6%) ; P 〉 0.05 ]. Conclusion is that the antigen - specific INF - Y release assay has higher practical clinical value than PPD tuberculin skin testing(TST) in evaluating anti -TB therapeutic result .
Amino Acids & Biotic Resources