
基于DCT的SAR原始数据压缩算法分析 被引量:4

Analysis of SAR Raw Data Compression Algorithm Based on DCT
摘要 根据合成孔径雷达(SAR)原始数据经离散余弦变换(DCT)后的系数特性,分析了在DCT域按各子带能量分布作变比特块自适应量化的算法DCT域块自适应量化(DCT-BAQ),并将该方法与时域BAQ算法作了比较。结合一组实测SAR原始数据,用两种算法分别进行了压缩和解压缩,并计算了数据域及图像域信噪比,给出了两种压缩算法所成的图像。实验证明,在相同的比特率下,DCT-BAQ算法的数据域和图像域信噪比均比时域BAQ算法高。数据域信噪比增加1.38~1.94dB,图像域信噪比增加1.56~1.91dB。加之DCT变换是实数运算、有快速算法,所以将它用于SAR原始数据压缩有一定的优越性。 According to the characteristics of SAR raw data coefficients in DCT transform domain, an algorithm of variable bit rate allocation according to energey distribution of every subband in DCT transform domain-Block Adaptive Quantization comparison between DCT-BAQ and time domain in DCT domain (DCT-BAQ) is analyzed. The BAQ is analysed. By using a real SAR raw data, compression and decompression are performed respectively. The SQNR and SDNR are achieved. The images correspond to the two algorithms are gained. The experiments manifest that with same bit rate, SQNR and SDNR of DCT-BAQ surpass that of time domain BAQ. In addition, as DCT transform has the characteristics of real number operation and fast speed algorithm, therefore, DCT-BAQ has some advantage in the domain of SAR raw data compression.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2009年第3期56-60,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 合成孔径雷达 数据压缩 离散余弦变换 块自适应量化 SAR data compression DCT block adaptivequantization(BAQ)
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