
光量子纠缠态的制备和测量实验 被引量:9

Experiment on the production and measurement of entangled states of photons
摘要 以量子纠缠源为实验对象,以光量子纠缠态的制备、传输和纠缠性质的测量为内容设计实验,有利于学生学习量子通讯的基本原理及偏振纠缠、自发参量下转换产生双光子态量子理论. A novel experiment is proposed, where the preparation, transformation and detection of entanglement properties of the quantum entangled sources are studied. It would be helpful to the students to understand the principles of quantum communication, and the theory of polarization entan- glement and the double-photon entangled states produced by the spontaneously parametric down-transverslon.
机构地区 清华大学物理系
出处 《物理实验》 北大核心 2009年第3期1-5,13,共6页 Physics Experimentation
基金 国家基础科学人才培养基金清华大学物理基地资助项目(No.J0830306)
关键词 量子通讯 量子纠缠 走离效应 quantum communication quantum entanglement wavelength conversion
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