回到马克思(return to Marx)、后马克思(post)、马克思之后(after)及超越马克思(beyond)是当下涉及到马克思的不同话题,这些不同话题从不同角度激发起人们重读马克思和再思考马克思的热情。这一趋势产生于20世纪90年代的历史变迁,并且迅速发展成为世界范围的话题,广泛地涉及到哲学、政治学、社会学和政治经济学领域。马克思的劳动价值论作为马克思主义批判资本主义的基本理论,也是这些不同时代坐标下的马克思研究所难以回避的话题,一方面它涉及的仍然是方法论或存在论意义上的分歧(马克思主义与非马克思主义之间)、不同思维方式带来的纷争(马克思学者之间);另一方面,由于时代变迁而带来的语境转换,这些话题在很大程度上体现了社会结构变化的新特征。
Now there are some different topics such as returning to Marx, post Marx, after Marx and be- yond Marx, which have excited the enthusiasm for Marx. This tendency appeared from historical transi- tion in the 1990s concerning philosophy, politics, sociology, political economics and so on. Marx's labor values, as a basic theory used to criticize capitalism by Marx, cannot be avoided. On the one hand, they concern the differences of methodology, existence as well as disputes from different thinking; on the other hand, context transition from historical changes embodies new changes in social structure to a great de- gree
Hebei Academic Journal