
基于模糊集和灰色关联的P2P信任模型 被引量:5

Trust Model for P2P Network Based on Fuzzy Set and Grey Relation
摘要 针对P2P应用环境中的系统安全和可用性低的问题,提出一种基于模糊集和灰色关联的新型信任模型FGTrust。用模糊集来刻画信任值,用灰色关联度来表达推荐的正确度,并据此调整推荐者的权值,引入风险的机制,用信息熵来量化风险。实验和分析结果表明,该信任模型能精确评估节点的信任度,有效提高系统的交互成功率。 In P2P network, an important challenge is how to cope with P2P system security problem and improve the availability. This paper presents a new trust model FGTrust. Fuzzy set which is used for presenting the trust value. The model uses the grey relation degree to express veracity degree of recommend and adjusts the weight value. A definition of risk is presented and quantified by using information entropy. By doing this, it can evaluate the trust relationships between peers more precisely. The proposed model can evidently enhance ratio of successful transaction.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期173-175,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金与中国民用航空总局基金联合资助项目(66776816)
关键词 信任 模糊集 灰色关联 信任模型 trust fuzzy set grey relation trust model
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