为获得超声波电机的振动模态及谐响应特性,采用ANSYS有限元软件对直径为60 mm的环形行波型超声波电机定子的振动状态进行了分析;在完成超声波电机定子建模的基础上,进行了电机定子的振动模态分析和最优模态选择,并在此最优模态附近进行了谐响应分析。分析研究结果表明,利用ANSYS软件对超声波电机进行分析被证明是一种行之有效的方法。
Aiming at obtaining the ultrasonic motor vibration mode and harmonic response characteristics, ANSYS finite element method(FEM) software was used to analyze stator vibration state of a ring-type traveling wave ultrasonic motor with 60 mm in diameter. Based on modeling of the ultrasonic motor stator, vibration mode was analyzed and optimum vibration mode was selected, and harmonic analysis was analyzed near the optimum vibration mode. The results indicate that ANSYS is an effective method in the ultrasonic motor analysis.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering