
玉米发酵酒精废液培养苏云金芽孢杆菌的研究 被引量:1

Study on Culture of Bacillus Thuringiensis from Wastewater in the Alcohol Fermentation of the Uncooked Corn
摘要 对利用玉米发酵酒精废液培养苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt07)的条件进行了正交试验,结果表明:培养该菌的最佳培养条件为:pH=7.0、料水比为1∶4的酒精发酵废液、接种量为5%(体积百分比)、摇瓶转速为100r/min;在所选最佳条件和30℃培养60h培养液中含活菌数和伴孢晶体相对百分率分别平均可达16.2×108个/mL和97.6%,经用水将其稀释作毒力试验,稀释40倍菌液喷洒桑叶喂蚕3d后杀虫率可达75%~80%。 Use of alcohol wastewater cultivated Bacillus thuringiensis to the production of biological pesticides. The best cultivating condition was gained on important factors orthogonal test. The results indicated that the optimum cultivating conditions were as follows: pH=7.0, ratio (alcohol wastewater /water) 1:4, shaking speed 100 r/min, 5% for inoculums (v/v); The culture medium contained active cells per milliliter and the relative percentage of parasporal crystal average to 16.2×10^8/mL and 97.6% respectively under the cultivating conditions of 30℃ and 60 h. The result of toxicity test showed that insecticidal rate is up to 75%-80% for silkworm fed mulberry leaves sprayed with 40 times diluted bacilli on three days later.
出处 《上海化工》 CAS 2009年第3期11-14,共4页 Shanghai Chemical Industry
基金 广西自然科学基金项目(桂科自0339006) 广西大学科研基金项目(DD160058)
关键词 酒精废液 苏云金芽孢杆菌 伴孢晶体 Alcohol wastewater Bacillus thuringiensis Parasporal crystal
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