

Combustion Characteristics of Cotton Stalks of 10 to 100 mm in Length Burnt in a Fluidized Bed
摘要 在热功率为0.2MW流化床试验装置上研究了10~100mm纯棉秆在不同工况下的燃烧特性,分析了棉秆及棉秆灰的物理化学特性,试验采用高铝矾土替代床料。结果表明,当流化数N>3时,密相区温度能维持在850~880℃,并保持稳定燃烧,说明棉秆和床料能够较好地混合。试验过程中对主要污染物排放浓度进行了测定,经过38h连续运行,床料基本保持原来的形貌,没有出现结块现象。试验表明,10~100mm纯棉秆能够适合流化床燃烧,这对于大规模的商业应用具有重要的指导意义。 Described were the physicochemical characteristics of cotton stalks of 10 to 100 mm in length and their ash.With high alumina bauxite serving as bed material,and on a fluidized bed test rig having a thermal power output of 0.2 MW,the combustion characteristics of pure cotton stalks in question were studied under different operating conditions.It has been found that when the fluidization number N is greater than 3,the temperature in a dense-phase zone ranging from 850 to 880 ℃,and a stable combustion can be maintained,indicating that the cotton stalks and the bed material can be mixed relatively well.During the test,the concentration of main pollutant emissions was measured.After a continuous operation of 38 hours,the bed material has basically kept its original shape and appearance unchanged,and no agglomeration phenomena emerged.The tests show that the pure cotton stalks can adapt themselves to combustion in fluidized beds,and this is of major significance for guiding commercial applications on a large scale.
出处 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期252-256,共5页 Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划基金资助项目(2007CB210208)
关键词 流化床 长棉秆 床料 燃烧特性 long cotton stalk,bed material,fluidized bed,combustion characteristics
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