
南非公立高校招生政策的演变——教育公平的视角 被引量:2

The Evolvement of Recruitment Policy of Public Higher Education in South Africa——From the Perspective of Educational Equity
摘要 南非高等教育入学机会的分配主要取决于政府的高校招生政策,自1994年以来,为矫正种族隔离制度遗留的不平等,南非政府打破在种族和性别上的招生限制,扩大黑人学生的入学。其高校招生政策大致经历了三个阶段:1995~2000年,总的政策取向是"不要扩大招生,但要促进学生构成的多样化";2000~2004年,教育部认为"扩大招生不是最佳选择";2005年以后,政府的政策导向是"扩大招生的同时,要强调多样化和差异性"。在此演变过程中可以看到政府干预和院校反应之间、公平和效率之间、扩大入学和提高质量之间的矛盾与冲突。 South African higher education enrolment opportunity is determined by the government recruitment policy. Since 1994,in order to redress the legacy of inequality of apartheid era,democratic government has broken the restriction of race and gender and given more opportunity to black students to go to colleges. The recruitment policies in South African higher education have undertaken three distinct periods as follows: during the first period of 1995-2000, the overall policy was that "not more ,but more diverse", during the second period of 2000-2004, the Ministry of Education concluded that "more is not better". In the post-2005 period, the policy has been that "more,but diverse and differentiated". From these changes,it can be seen that there are conflict and dilemma between government intervention and institutional counterreaction, equity and efficiency, enrolment expanding and quality improvement.
作者 牛长松
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期16-21,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部重点研究项目<非洲高等教育国别研究工程>(项目编号:教外亚函[2007]13号)
关键词 南非 高等教育 公立高校 招生 South Africa higher education public higher institution recruitment
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