Objective TiaozhiJi Emulsion of this fatty liver of the validity, reliability, and insulin resistance in the formation of fatty liver's role in the process. Methods Combined high - fat emulsion used alcohol fatty liver rat model toEssentiale andLiuwei- dihuangwan to as a positive control, Detected TC, TG, HDL - C, LDL - C, ALT and GGT, FBG, using enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay for determination of serum insulin levels. B islet cell function evaluation by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) , or insulin resistance index ( HOMA - IR) = ( FBG ) · FINS/22. 5. Results The TC, TG, LDL - C, ALT and GGT, FBG, FINS, HOMA - IR, liver index were higher than those of the normal group, lower HDL - C group. TiaozhiJi Emulsion can reduce the liver index, lower ALT and GGT, TC, TG, LDL - C, FBG, FINS content, lower HOMA - IR. Conclusions TiaozhiJi Emulsion can treatment of fatty liver, improve its mechanism may be related to insulin resistance.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Geriatrics)
Fatty Liver, TiaozhiJi Emulsion, Insulin Resistance