论述了热电池硫化物正极材料的放电机理研究进展。大部分的文献都是根据电池的电压平台与对应的放电容量推理出反应机理,并无物相检测结果或其他分析手段来佐证。有部分研究者利用XRD物相分析、SEM形貌分析、原位X射线吸收结构精修技术(in situ X-ray absorption fine structure,缩写为insituXAFS)、穆斯堡尔谱等手段确定出了部分中间产物和反应机理,其结果和根据电池的电压平台与对应的放电容量推理出的反应机理吻合。由于原位反应检测分析技术的不断创新应用和发展,对于硫化物正极材料还未确定的放电机理分析带来了希望。
Discharge mechanism of metal disulphide used as cathode material in thermal battery was reviewed. So far, many researchers believe that the discharge mechanism is reliable which is built on the discharge plateau and capacity. In fact, these mechanisms are conjectural and there is a lack of sufficient evidence. Although some of intermediates and mechanisms have been proven by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, in situ X-ray absorption fine structure analysis and M^ssbauer effect, the others have been testified in the future. There is a new opportunity in chemical reaction mechanism research field because in situ analysis methods have been used widely day by day, such as in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements, in situ neutron diffraction, in situ nuclear magnetic resonance and in situ atomic force microscopic analysis.
Chinese Journal of Power Sources