
论以色列核政策与核战略的特点和影响 被引量:1

On the Feature and Influence of Israeli Nuclear Policy and Strategy
摘要 以色列核政策与核战略的演变可分为3个阶段。当前其主要特点是发展"三位一体"的核力量结构,加强核武器的威慑力和实战能力;采取"核模糊"政策,既谋求核威慑,也规避"国际合法性"的问题;全力防止中东其他国家拥有核武器。以色列核政策与核战略的主要影响包括:拥有核武器有助于以色列的军事安全,但加剧了中东紧张局势;对国际核不扩散体系产生严重负面效用,阻碍地区核不扩散机制的建立;可能促使以色列的阿拉伯和伊斯兰邻国发展核武器,增加了中东地区发生核冲突的可能性。 Israel formulated its nuclear policy and strategy in three stages.Now its strategy has following characters:improving its nuclear structure of trinity;strengthening function of nuclear weapons and power of nuclear deterrent,taking a nuclear equivocal attitude for avoiding query of international legitimacy,trying to prevent the neighboring Middle East countries to own nuclear capability.This nuclear strategy has made such influence on this region:Israel's capability of nuclear weapon de facto has brought intension into the Middle East;it has brought negative effect on world non-proliferation system and become an obstacle to establish regional non-proliferation system.Israel's nuclear stand may provoke ambition of Arab states to develop their nuclear capability and increase the possibility of nuclear conflict.
作者 夏立平
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期47-52,共6页 West Asia and Africa
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  • 1Elie Podeh, “The Desire to Belong Syndrome: Israel and Middle - Eastern Defense, 1948 - 1954”, Israel Stud/es 4. 2, 1999, Ben - Gurion University of the Negev, Ben- Gurion Research Center, p. 165.
  • 2Amihai, "Where Does Israel Gets Her Uranium and Plutonium?" March 7, 2004, http: //www. strategypage, com/militaryforums/29 - 1384. aspx.
  • 3"Nuclear Weapons", http: //www. fas. org/nuke/guide/Israel/nuke.
  • 4Avner Cohen and Wiliam Burr," Israel Crosses the Thresses the Thresshold", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. May/June 2006. p. 24.
  • 5[瑞典]斯德哥尔摩和平研究所编,中国军控与裁军协会译.《2006斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所年鉴:军备、裁军与国际安全》,世界知识出版社,2007年版,第943页.
  • 6D. Albright and K. Kramer, Plutonium Verification: Tracking Plutonium Stocks, Institute of Science and International Security, June 2004, p. 5, http://www. isis - online. org/global_ stocks/plutonium_ watch2004. htm.
  • 7Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, “Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms”, Stockholm: EO Grafiska 2006, p. 39, http: //www. wmdcommission. org.
  • 8U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Guide to the Future Threat: 1999 -2020, July 1999, p. 38
  • 9R. Scarborough, The War of Ramsfield, Regenery: Washington, DC, 2004, pp. 194 - 223.
  • 10Avner Cohen, “Nuclear Capacity and the Isreal Press: Gulf Drift”, New Outlook, Tel Aviv, Vol. 34, No. 5, 1991, p. 19.











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