This paper presents a new exact inflationary solution to the non-minimMly coupled scalar field. The inflation is driven by the evolution of a scalar field with inflation potential V(φ) = (λ/4)φ4 + b1φ2 + b2 + b3φ-2 + b4φ-4. The spectral index of the scalar density fluctuations ns is consistent with the result of WMAP3 (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 3) for ACDM (Lambda-Cold Dark Matter). This model relaxes the constraint to the quartic coupling constant. And it can enter smoothly into a radiation-dominated stage when inflation ends.
This paper presents a new exact inflationary solution to the non-minimMly coupled scalar field. The inflation is driven by the evolution of a scalar field with inflation potential V(φ) = (λ/4)φ4 + b1φ2 + b2 + b3φ-2 + b4φ-4. The spectral index of the scalar density fluctuations ns is consistent with the result of WMAP3 (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 3) for ACDM (Lambda-Cold Dark Matter). This model relaxes the constraint to the quartic coupling constant. And it can enter smoothly into a radiation-dominated stage when inflation ends.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10773008)