
美国和东盟地区论坛——多边主义的视角 被引量:2

The U.S. and ASEAN Regional Forum——the Perspective of Multilateralism
摘要 本文从多边主义视角对美国对待亚太多边安全合作的态度、动机与行为进行了分析。冷战后亚太地区多边安全合作最重要的成果是东盟地区论坛,它是该地区成员安全利益需求的结果。亚太地区的安全多边主义主要依靠规范的力量发挥作用,缺乏有效的物质能力和制度保障来解决美国所关切的地区安全问题。况且,美国只是将多边主义作为服务于安全利益的工具性手段,而不是秩序目标之一,这决定了美国不大可能对亚太多边安全合作寄予较高的期望。 This paper analyzes U. S. 's attitude, motivation and practice on the multilateral security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region from the perspective of muhilateralism. ASEAN Regional Forum, the greatest achievement of the multilateral security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region after the Cold War, is the result of common needs of countries in this region. The security muhilateralism in Asia-Pacific region works through the power of norms. It lacks effective physical and institutional capabilities to solve regional security issues of American concern. Further- more, the U. S. regards muhilateralism merely as the tool serving its security interests, not the target of security order. Therefore, the US does not count highly on the multilateral security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.
作者 余建军
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2009年第1期57-62,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 东盟地区论坛 美国 多边主义 ASEAN Regional Forum the U. S. Multilateralism
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  • 2Evelyn Gob, "The ASEAN Regional Forum in United States East Asian Strategy", The Pacific Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 ( March 2004) , pp. 47 - 69.
  • 3Evelyn Gob, "The ASEAN Regional Forum in United States East Asian Strategy", The Pacific Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 ( March 2004) , pp. 47 - 69.
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  • 5Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, A New Agenda for the ASEAN Regional Forum, Singapore: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, 2002, p. 18.
  • 6John G. Ruggie, Multilateralism : The Anatomy of an Institution, International Organization 46, 3, Summer 1992, p. 574.
  • 7U.S. Department of Defense, Office of International Security Affairs, United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region, February 1995, pp. 12 - 13.
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  • 10John G. Ruggie, Multilateralism : The Anatomy of an Institution, International Organization 46, 3, Summer 1992, p. 592.


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  • 2Dennis C. Blair, John T. Hanley Jr. ,"From Wheels to Webs: Reconstructing Asia- Pacific Security Arrangements," Washington Quarterly,Winter 2001 , Vol. 24, No. 1 , p.7.
  • 3Derek da Cunha, ed, , Southeast Asian Perspectives on Security,Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2000, p, 70,
  • 4Gareth Evans, "What Asia Needs is a Europe - Style CSCA," International Herald Tribune, July 27,1990.
  • 5Joe Clark (Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs), Remarks before Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Tokyo, July 24,1990.
  • 6Statement by Japanese Foreign Minister Nakayama at ASEAN Post - Ministerial Conference, Kuala Lumpur, July 22,1991.
  • 7Evelyn Goh and Amitav Acharya, "The ASEAN Regional Forum and US- China Relations: Comparing Chinese and American Positions," Draft paper prepared for the Fifth China - ASEAN Research Institutes Roundtable,"Regionalism and Community Building in East Asia," University of Hong Kong, October 17 - 19,2002.
  • 8Amitav Acharya, Constructing A Security Community in Southeast Asia : ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order, London :Routledge, 2001.p. 182.
  • 9David H. Capie, " Power, Threats and Indentity : Rethink institution Dynamics in the Pacific, 1945 - 2000," PhD thesis, York University,Toronto, Canada, 2001, pp. 197 - 201.
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