
过瘤胃葡萄糖对泌乳奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响 被引量:17

Effects of Ruminally Protected Glucose on Milk Yield and Dairy Components
摘要 研究过瘤胃葡萄糖对泌乳奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响。试验选用20头中国荷斯坦奶牛,按照胎次、体况及产奶量随机分成A、B两组(n=10)。A组牛为对照组,饲喂奶牛场原有基础日粮+2%脂肪粉;B组为试验组,饲喂基础+2%过瘤胃葡萄糖。结果表明,与A对照组相比较,添加过瘤胃葡萄糖后显著增加了奶牛产奶量(P<0.01),平均提高8.71kg/d;过瘤胃葡萄糖对乳脂率、乳蛋白率及乳中干物质含量均无明显变化,差异不显著(P>0.05)。在试验条件下,过瘤胃葡萄糖可显著提高泌乳奶牛产奶量。 This study aimed to evaluate the effects of ruminally protected glucose on milk yield and dairy components. 20 Chinese Holstein dairy cows whose calving number, body condition, milk yield were approximately accordant were randomly divided into two group (n= 10). Group A was fed to basal diet supplemented with 2% fat-meal; group B was fed to basal diet supplemented with 2% ruminally protected glucose. Results show that: Compared with group A, supplementation of ruminally protected glucose significantly increased milk yield ( P〈0.01 ), but there is no significantly to fat percentage, protein percentage and dry matter percentage (P〉0.05 ). Under the conditions of this study, ruminally protected glucose could significantly increase the milk yield.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2009年第1期62-64,67,共4页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
关键词 过瘤胃葡萄糖 产奶量 乳成分 ruminally protected glucose milk yield dairy components
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