
Global monsoon in a geological perspective 被引量:26

Global monsoon in a geological perspective
摘要 季风现在仅仅被看作一个全球系统而非地区性的现象。为超过 300 年,季风被看作了巨大的陆地海微风,但是现在,卫星和常规观察支持因此把季风看作热带集中地区(ITCZ ) 并且,的季节的移植的表明的一个其他的假设,全球规模的一个气候系统。作为一个低纬度的气候系统,季风在所有大陆上存在但是南极洲,并且通过所有地质的历史至少自从 Phenorozoic。时间为在空间和时间的季风变化的系统的研究是成熟的。是由地质的记录证实了,全球季风被威尔森周期在构造时间规模上控制(10 <SUP>6</SUP> 10 <SUP>8</SUP> 一) 。一“大大陆”生产“大季风”,并且它的故障导致季风紧张变弱。在 10 <SUP>4</SUP>-10<SUP>5</SUP> 的时间规模上一,全球季风显示 &#8764;20 ka 的岁差的周期和 100-ka, 和 400-ka 的怪癖周期,即轨道的周期。在 10 <SUP>3</SUP> 的时间规模上一 and 在下面,全球季风紧张被太阳的周期和另外的因素调制。全球季风的 cyclicity 象为人的社会的环境变化一样在地球表面系统代表为变化负责的基本因素之一。 400-ka 全球季风的长怪癖周期被把到地球系统的“心跳”,并且全球季风的领前周期以前为在 &#8764;4000 年的几种亚洲、非洲的古老的文化的倒塌负责,而太阳的周期 大约1000 年以前导致了幻境文明的遗赠。因此, paleoclimatology 应该在冰帽子变化集中的高纬度的过程集中于不仅,而且在象季风那样的低纬度的过程上,因为后者与冻结成冰相比的地质的历史上是更普通的。 Monsoon is now considered as a global system rather than regional phenomena only. For over 300 years, monsoon has been viewed as a gigantic land-sea breeze, but now satellite and conventional observations support an alternative hypothesis which considers monsoon as a manifestation of sea-sonal migration of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and, hence, a climate system of the global scale. As a low-latitude climate system, monsoon exists over all continents but Antarctica, and through all the geological history at least since the Phenorozoic. The time is ripe for systematical studies of monsoon variations in space and time. As evidenced by the geological records, the global monsoon is controlled by the Wilson cycle on the tectonic time scale (10^6-10^8a). A “Mega-continent” produces “Mega-monsoon”, and its breakdown leads to weakening of the monsoon intensity. On the time scales of 10^4-10^5 a, the global monsoon displays the precessional cycles of -20 ka and eccentricity cycles of 100- and 400-ka, i.e. the orbital cycles. On the time scales of 10^3 a and below, the global monsoon intensity is modulated by solar cycles and other factors. The cyclicity of global monsoon represents one of the fundamental factors responsible for variations in the Earth surface system as well as for the environmental changes of the human society. The 400-ka long eccentricity cycles of the global monsoon is likened to “heartbeat” of the Earth system, and the precession cycle of the global monsoon was responsible for the collapse of several Asian and African ancient cultures at -4000 years ago, whereas the Solar cycles led to the demise of the Maya civilization about a thousand years ago. Therefore, paleoclimatology should be fo- cused not only on the high-latitude processes centered at ice cap variations, but also on the low-latitude processes such as monsoons, as the latter are much more common in the geological history compared to the glaciations.
作者 WANG PinXian
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第7期1113-1136,共24页
基金 Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB815902)
关键词 季风变化 地质历史 威尔逊旋回 气候系统 时间尺度 轨道周期 太阳活动周期 地球表层系统 monsoon, ITCZ, low-latitude processes, orbital forcing, Wilson cycle
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