

Research and implementation of JXTA P2P protocol on Symbian platform
摘要 介绍了Symbian平台及目前移动平台上已有的资源共享模式,通过分析现有移动P2P协议JXME,提出Symbian平台上的新型P2P资源共享模式,参考JXME进行了一系列改动和调整,包括中继的改进和Symbian端协议的重新实现,为Symbian平台搭建了相应的P2P协议JXTA-Symbian,最后对JXTA-Symbian的实现框架,特别是对Symbian手机端协议的实现进行了详细的阐述和分析。 The Symbian platform and current models of resource sharing on mobile devices were introduced firstly. Next, a new P2P model of resource sharing on Symbian devices was put forward by analyzing the existing mobile P2P protocol JXME. And then the corresponding P2P protocol JXTA-Symbian for Symbian platform was constructed through a series of modifications and adjustments on reference protocol JXME, which included the improvements of relay and the re-implementation of Symbian- End protocol. Finally, this paper discussed and analyzed the implementation architecture of JXTA-Symbian, especially the implementation of Symbian-End protocol, in detail.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期1082-1086,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 SYMBIAN平台 资源共享 P2P JXME Symbian platform resource sharing P2P JXME
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