

Complicated mandibular fractures with small titanium plate fixation
摘要 目的总结小型钛板坚固内固定术治疗下颌骨复杂性骨折的治疗经验。方法多种方法复位,骨折处采用2块钛板固定。结果41例患者伤口一期愈合39例,二期愈合2例;咬合关系恢复正常者36例,错颌5例;开口度正常27例,受限14例;CT检查骨折未见不愈合者。结论小型钛板坚固内固定术治疗下颌骨复杂性骨折具有一定的优越性,治疗效果可靠。 Objective To summarize the experiences of the treatment of complicated mandibular fractures by smaller titanium plate fixation. Methods The anatomical appearance of mandibular bone was rehabilitated by multiple approaches and two smaller titanium plates were used for internal fixation at the sites of mandibular fractures. Results During 3 months follow - up, all mandibular fractures were found healed well through CT examination. Healing by first intention were found in 39 cases, healing by granulation were in 2 cases. 36 cases returned to normal occlusion, yet 5 ca- ses had slight disorderly occlusion. 27 cases returned to normal mouth opening, yet 14 cases had limiting of the mouth opening. Conclusions The rigid internal fixation is an ideal trentment for mandibular fractures. Both the facial appearance and mandibular function were repaired.
出处 《医学信息(手术学分册)》 2008年第12期1081-1082,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 小型钛板 内固定 下颌骨骨彩 smaller titanium plate internal fixation mandibular fracture
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