
H5N1接种恒河猴和食蟹猴后外周血细胞变化的分析 被引量:2

Dynamic Changes of Peripheral Blood Cells from Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys Infected with H5N1
摘要 目的测定H5N1型禽流感病毒感染恒河猴、食蟹猴后,其外周血细胞的变化,为H5N1模型猴提供基础数据及研究参考。方法健康合格食蟹猴、恒河猴各4只,经滴鼻方式接种H5N1病毒107TCID50,确认发病后,在不同时间点进行血细胞及T淋巴细亚群的分析。结果与接种H5N1病毒前比较,接种后白细胞总数(WBC)在第6天时有所降低,至第9天时回升;红细胞总数(RBC)在第3天有所降低,之后回升;淋巴细胞比例及数量分别在第6天、第9天升高并达到最高值。至第9天时,CD4+T细胞数明显高于接种前,CD8+T细胞数上升显著,导致CD4+/CD8+T细胞比例下降,甚至在2只食蟹猴出现了比例倒置。结论实验用猴感染H5N1后,可导致WBC,CD4+,CD8+T等血液细胞的变化,应作为H5N1模型动物的检测指标。 Objective To observe the changes of peripheral blood cell from rhesus monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) virus, and conclude some basic data and helpful information for the animal model of H5N1 virus infected monkeys. Methods 4 H5N1 antibody-negative rhesus monkeys and 4 cynomolgus monkeys were inoculated nasally by 107TCID50 H5N1 virus. In some time-points, blood routine analysis and subtype analysis of T lymphocytes were performed. Results Compared with data pre-inoculation, WBC count decreased in the 6th day post-inoculation (PI), and then increased in the 9th day PI. RBC count declined during the first 3 days PI and went back then. The count and ration of lymphocytes increased and reached the peak in the 6th and 9th days PI, respectively. Moreover, CD4^+ T cell count increased 80% in the 9th day PI compared with pre-inoculation, but the ration of CD4^+/CD8^+ T cell declined due to the more stable and remarkable elevation of CD8^+ T cell, which even reversed the ratio of CD4 ^+/CD8 ^+ T cell in 2 cynomolgus monkeys. Conclusion As the primate animal model most similar to human, both rhesus monkeys and eynomolgus monkeys are infected with H5N1 inoculation. Further analyses on changes of peripheral blood cell from H5N1 monkeys will be help for explain the disease.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第1期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 国家科技攻关项目(编号:2004BA519A34)
关键词 H5N1 模型 动物 血细胞分析 T淋巴细胞亚群 Pathogenic avian influenza virus(A/H5N1 ) Model, animal Blood cell analysis Subtypes of T lymphocytes
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